Lean Management from the Perspective of Health Professionals' Perceptions


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Lean Management- Lean Hospital- Health Management- Health Care Staff


Everything an organism can produce and the construction of systems are made possible by the presence of people. Traditionally, this element has been considered an untapped resource that is prone to depletion and has always functioned as a dependency on the market economy. In recent years, efforts have been made to make strategic use of human resources in order to enable organisations to maintain their activities and compete globally. In this context, many organisations have recently adopted lean management as a strategy to enhance their global competitiveness. Lean management practices interact with several factors within an organization. One such factor is the employees themselves. Since the healthcare sector is one of the most influential factors in the relationship between lean management and employees, the purpose of this study is "to determine the level of lean management in private hospitals as perceived by employees." In the present study, data were collected using the questionnaire method. The collected data were evaluated using SPSS software. The results showed that there is a relationship between lean management and employees’ perception


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