OECD Ülkelerinde Vergi Kaçırma ve Yönetim Kalitesi
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Vergi Kaçırma, Yönetim Kalitesi, OECD ÜlkeleriÖzet
Bu çalışma vergi kaçırma ve yönetim kalitesi (demokratik kalite ve teknik kalite) arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda 2003 – 2022 dönemi 31 OECD ülkesi verileri regresyon yöntemi kullanılarak tahmin edilmiştir. Bulgular demokratik kalite ve teknik kalite ile vergi kaçırma arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ve negatif yönlü bir ilişkinin olduğu, yönetim kalitesi arttıkça vergi kaçırmanın azaldığı yönündedir. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar vergi kaçırma ile yönetim kalitesi arasındaki ilişkiyi anlamanın, yönetim kalitesi göstergelerini iyileştirmek için uygun kuralların formüle edilmesinin vergi kaçırmayı önemli ölçüde azaltacağını göstermektedir.
Aizenman, Joshua ve Jinjarak Yothin (2005). The Collection Effıciency of the Value Added Tax: Theory and International Evidence, NBER Working Paper No: 11539, http://www.nber.org/papers/w11539.
Ajaz, Tahseen ve Ahmad, Eatzaz (2010). The Effect of Corruption and Governance on Tax Revenues, The Pakistan Development Review, 49(4), 405 – 417.
Alm, James, Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge ve McClellan, Chandler (2016). Corruption and Firm Tax Evasion, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 124, 146 – 163.
Alon, Anna ve Hageman, Amy M. (2013). The Impact of Corruption on Firm Tax Compliance in Transition Economies: Whom Do You Trust?, Journal of Business Ethics, 116(3), 479 - 494.
Androniceanu, Armenia, Gherghina, Rodica ve Ciobanașu, Marilena (2019). The interdependence between fiscal public policies and tax evasion, Administratie si Management Public, (32), 32 – 41.
Arif, Imtiaz ve Rawat, Amna Sohail (2018). Corruption, Governance, and Tax Revenue: Evidence from EAGLE Countries, Journal of Transnational Management, 23(2-3), 119 – 133.
Awotomilusi, N. S., Akintoye, I. R. ve Adegbie, F. F. (2019). Influence of Voice and Accountability on Tax Revenue in Nigeria, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 3(4), 81 – 89.
Bani-Mustafa, Ahmed, Nimer, Khalil, Uyar, Ali ve Schneider, Friedrich (2022), Effect of Government Efficiency on Tax Evasion: The Mediating Role of Ethics and Control of Corruption, International Journal of Public Administration, https://doi.org/10.1080/01900692.2022.2086262.
Barone, G. ve Mocetti, S. (2011). Tax morale and public spending inefficiency. International Tax and Public Finance, 18(6), 724 – 749.
Barrios, Salvador, Greve B., Hussain, M. Azhar, Paulus, Alari, Picos, Fidel ve Riscado, Sara (2017). Measuring the fiscal and equity impact of tax evasion: evidence from Denmark and EstoniaJRC Working Papers on Taxation and Structural Reforms No 05/2017, https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2017-12/jrc109629.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 22.11.2023.
Bird, Richard M., Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge ve Torgler, Benno (2008). Tax Effort in Developing Countries and High Income Countries: The Impact of Corruption, Voice and Accountability, Economic Analysis & Policy, 38(1), 55 – 71.
Chukwunwike, Onyekachi David, Ofoegbu, Grace Nyereugwu, Amara, Felix Maduabuchi ve Okafor, Regina Gwamniru (2021). Government Accountability and Tax Revenue: Evidence from Nigeria, African Journal of Business and Economic Research (AJBER), 16(4), 159 – 179.
Çetin, İrem (2021). Kurumsal Kalite Ve Vergi Gelirleri İlişkisi: Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler İçin Bir Analiz, Vergi Raporu, 260, 188 – 200.
Djayasinga, Marselina ve Prasetyo Tri Joko (2019). The Effect of Government Effectiveness, Rule of Law and Control of Corruption Toward Tax Obedience, Religacion Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 4(16), 136 – 143.
Elbahnasawy, Nasr G. (2020). Democracy, Political Instability, And Government Tax Effort in Hydrocarbon-Dependent Countries, Resources Policy, 65, 1 – 16.
Epaphra, Manamba ve Massawe, John (2017). Corruption, Governance and Tax Revenues in Africa, Business and Economic Horizons, 13(4), 439 – 467.
Gupta, Abhijit Sen (2007). Determinants of Tax Revenue Efforts in Developing Countries, IMF Working Paper, WP 07/84, https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WP/Issues/2016/12/31/Determinants-of-Tax-Revenue-Efforts-in-Developing-Countries-21040, Erişim Tarihi: 02.11.2023.
Günay, H.F., ve Topal, M.H. (2021). Does Quality of Governance Affect Tax Effort in Sub-Saharan Africa?. Journal of Emerging Economies and Policy, 6(2) 414 – 434.
Hunady, Jan ve Orviska, Marta (2015), The Effect of Corruption on Tax Revenue in OECD and Latin America Countries, Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance, Prag.
Hussain, Tariq, Maitlo, Saba, Raza-ul-Mustafa, Ahmed ve Mujahid, Hira (2022). Corruption, Governance, and Government Revenue, Journal of History and Social Sciences, DOI: 10.46422/jhss.v13i2.228.
Keyifli, Nazlı ve Dağ, Mehmet (2022). Bütçe Açığı ve Yönetim Kalitesi İlişkisi: BRICS-T Ülkeleri İçin Bootstrap Panel Nedensellik Analizi, Journal of Yasar University, 17(66), 538 – 557.
Khaltar, Odkhuu (2023). Tax Evasion and Governance Quality: The Moderating Role of Adopting Open Government, International Review of Administrative Sciences 1 – 19.
Khan, Khizar ve Siddiqui, Danish Ahmed (2021). The Effect of Institutional and Political Environment Quality on Tax Evasion: Evidence from South Asian Countries, http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3941983, Erişim Tarihi: 15.11.2023.
Kirchler, E. (2007). The economic psychology of tax behaviour. Cambridge University Press
Kirchler, E. Hoelzl, E. ve Wahl, I. (2008). Enforced versus voluntary tax compliance: the ‘‘slippery slope’’ framework. Journal of Economic Psychology, 29, 210 – 225.
Kitapcı, İ. (2015). Vergi etiği vergi psikolojisi: Verginin sosyo psikolojik teorisi. (3. Bs.), Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
Koç, Özgür Emre (2019). Vergilemenin Mükellefler Üzerindeki Psikolojik Etkileri: Vergiden Kaçınma ve Vergi Kaçırma Üzerine Bir Alan Araştırması, Business and Economics Research Journal, 10(4), 1015 – 1027.
Mallick, Hrushikesh (2021). Do Governance Quality and ICT Infrastructure Infuence the Tax Revenue Mobilisation? An Empirical Analysis for India, Economic Change and Restructuring, 54, 371 – 415.
Mebratu, Agumas Alamirew (2023) Tax Revenue Inefficiency and Political Risk Factors: The Hen or The Egg?, Cogent Business & Management, 10(1), 1 – 18.
Mohammed, Fatimoh ve Sanusi, Soliha (2020), Quality of Governance and Tax Revenue Generation in West Africa: A Political Process Theory Perspective, Management & Accounting Review, 19(1), 213 - 231.
Mu, Renyan, Fentaw, Nigatu Mengesha ve Zhang Lu (2023). Tax evasion, psychological egoism, and revenue collection performance: Evidence from Amhara region, Ethiopia, Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1045537.
Mutascu, Mihai, Tiwari, Aviral Kumar ve Estrada, Fernando (2011). Taxation and Political Stability, https://ssrn.com/abstract=1888328, Erişim Tarihi: 05.11.2023.
Nimer, Khalil, Bani-Mustafa, Ahmed, AlQudah, Anas, Alameen, Mamoon ve Hassanein, Ahmed (2022). Public Perceptions of Governance and Tax Evasion: Insights from Developed and Developing Economies, Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, DOI: 10.1108/JFRA-06-2022-0234.
Onyeka, Virginia Nnenna ve Nwankwo, Carol (2016). The Effect of Tax Evasion and Avoidance on Nigeria’s Economic Growth, European Journal of Business and Management, 8(24), 158 – 166.
Ott, J. C. (2011). Government and Happiness in 130 Nations: Good Governance Fosters Higher Level and More Equality of Happiness, Social Indicators Research, 102, 3 – 22.
Palil, Mohd Riza, Malek, Marlin Marissa ve Jaguli, Abdul Rahim (2016), Issues, Challenges and Problems with Tax Evasion: The Institutional Factors Approach, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 18(2), 187 – 206.
Picur, Ronald D. ve Riahi-Belkaou, Ahmed (2006). The Impact of Bureaucracy, Corruption and Tax Compliance, Review of Accounting and Finance, https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/14757700610668985/full/html, Erişim Tarihi: 11.11.2023.
Rashid, Harun Ur, Buhayan, Sha Alam, Masud, Abdul Kaium ve Sawyer, Adrian (2021). Impact of Governance Quality and Religıosity on Tax Evasion: Evidence From OECD Countries, Advances in Taxation, 29, 89 – 110.
Samimi, Ahmad Jafari, Abedini, Maryam ve Laharemi, Salime Hassani (2012). Political Stability and Inflation Tax: Evidence from MENA Region, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 11(1), 85 – 89.
Saruç, N. T. (2013). Vergi uyumu: Türkiye ve dünyada güncel gelişmeler, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
Savic, Gordana, Dragojlovic, Aleksandar, Vujosevic, ,Mirko, Arsic, Milojko ve Martic, Milan (2015). Impact of the Efficiency of the Tax Administration on Tax Evasion, Economic Research, 28(1), 1138 – 1148.
Sobhkhiz, Mohammad Reza, Ashrafi, Ali Mehdizadeh, Mojibi, Toraj ve Otadi, M Mahmood (2019). Accountability, Legitimacy, and Voluntary Tax Compliance: A Case Study in Tax Offices in Mazandaran Province of Iran, International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 8, 38 – 55.
Syadullah, Makmun ve Wibowo, Tri (2015). Governance and Tax Revenue in Asean Countries, Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 6(2), 76 – 88.
Yamen, Ahmed, Allam, Amir, Bani-Mustafa, Ahmed ve Uyar Ali (2018). Impact of Institutional Environment Quality on Tax Evasion: A Comparative Investigation of Old Versus New EU Members, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 32 (C), 17 – 29.
Yaru, M. A. ve Raji, A. S., (2022). Corruption, Governance and Tax Revenue Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa, African Journal of Economic Review, 10(1), 234 – 25