The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Business Functions: A Research of Business Managers


  • Sena ERDEN AYHÜN Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Industry 4.0, Strategic Management, Business


Industry 4.0 has changed all processes and business methods. Nowadays, the idea of Industry 4.0 is a strategy tool for businesses to be competitive. This study aims to ascertain the perspectives of business managers in one of the top firms within the building products sector regarding Industry 4.0. To do this, semi-structured interviews with participants were conducted utilizing questions chosen from the literature, and data were gathered as a result. A total of 13 business managers participated in the study. Content analysis method was used in the research. The research has shown that employees have positive and negative thoughts about industry 4.0 activities. However, it is often emphasized that industry 4.0 processes will bring advantages to businesses in the fields of human resources, management, production, marketing and public relations.


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