Development Of Organizational Blindness Scale


  • Taşkın KILIÇ Ordu Üniversitesi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Organizational Blindness, - "far blindness, near blindness, - Intentional blindness, - wrong vision"


The concept of organizational blindness, which has entered the management literature as a new concept in recent years; perceptible in the internal and external environment under normal conditions; risks, opportunities, threats, problems and changes; It is the situation where it cannot be perceived with the effect of factors such as taking it for granted, adaptation, routine, exposure to too many stimuli and focusing on an area, and individual and organizationalfactors (culture, leadership type, sector structure, etc.). In this context, the aim of this study is to develop a new measurement tool that measures the concept of organizational blindness. Within the scope of the study, exploratory research design was used to develop scale. In this context, an item pool was created with the conceptual expressions obtained from the existing literature search, and then expert opinion, language and scope validity were applied. After these stages, field research was carried out and a survey was conducted with 271 people working in the health sector with simple random sampling technique and data were obtained. The obtained data were subjected to construct validity and reliability analyzes in the SPSS program and the results were reached. As a result of the research, a valid and reliable organizational blindness scale consisting of 4 dimensions and 17 Likert expressions named "Far Blindness, Near Blindness, Intentional (conscious) Blindness and Wrong Vision" was developed.


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