Evaluation Of The Relationship Between GDP And Solid Waste Management In EU Countrıes, The United Kingdom, And Turkey: An Analysis Of The 2000-2020 Period
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Solid Waste Management, Environment, GDP, Panel Data AnalysisÖzet
In this study, Sakarya province was evaluated in terms of food security and the agricultural activities that
guarantee it were analyzed. By analyzing the current agricultural activities in the province and its change
over the years, problems have been identified and some solution suggestions have been offered. In this
context, the findings were evaluated on food security, which is one of the important parameters of sustainable
cities. The study area has an important agricultural potential due to its location close to important
consumption centers and its fertile soil structure and suitable climatic conditions. As a matter of fact, the
province ranks among the top ten in Turkey in 16 agricultural products. Agricultural activities (Hazelnut,
Quince, Spinach etc.), which were effective in the establishment of the province, are still one of the important
dynamics of the province, despite the economic diversity. Industrialization, opening of Sakarya University,
involvement in important transportation projects, etc. These situations have increased urban sprawl by
causing the province to receive intense immigration. With the spread of urban settlements, the ever
increasing population increases the pressure on agricultural areas. This situation has had some negative
effects on agricultural activities, but the sector maintains its importance as an important branch of economic
activity. The constant increase in migration seen in the field, the effects of global climate change, urban
sprawl and some other problems related to the sector are seen as a threat to the future by making the food
security of the province difficult. It is of great importance to solve the problems of this field, which makes
significant contributions to the food supply in its region and throughout the country. It seems possible to get
to the root of the problems in the food supply of the province and solve the problems with sustainable
planning compatible with the agricultural areas and activities that are the city and production areas. In this
context, solutions to agricultural activities, which are an important function of the province, can make
significant contributions to the food supply at the provincial and national levels and set an example for cities
to progress in sustainable development.
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