The Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Relationship Between Organizational Communication and Job Performance


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı- Örgütsel İletişim- İş Performansı


This research aims to examine the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior, organizational communication and job performance and the intervening role of organizational citizenship behavior in this relationship. It is seen that organizational citizenship behavior strengthens communication within the organization by increasing cooperation among employees and positively affects organizational performance. However, despite the importance emphasized in the literature on this relationship, studies examining the mediating effect of sub-dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior on the relationship between organizational communication and job performance are limited. This study aims to make a modest contribution to the literature, highlighting the importance of effective corporate communication in organizations and emphasizing the idea of creating a culture that encourages organizational citizenship behavior in organizations by touching on the importance of going beyond the duties assigned to managers.


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