رابطه مصرف و موقعیت: موردی از دانشکده الهیات دانشگاه آنکارا

رابطه مصرف و موقعیت: موردی از دانشکده الهیات دانشگاه آنکارا


  • İhsan TOKER
  • M. Fatih DEMİRDAĞ üni

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Consumption, Status, Symbol, Lifestyle, Qualitative


In this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between consumption and religion within the framework of the desire to gain status and exist in a show society. Therefore, in-depth interviews were conducted with the theologian academicians at Ankara University on the axis of consumption and status. As a matter of fact, mottos such as gaining a status, belonging to a desired group or "I appear, therefore I am" are included in the infrastructure of consumption actions in our age. In this context, the study was based on the data of 19 people who were interviewed face-to-face.



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