Digital Logistics Market Performance of Developing Countries
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Logistics Market Performance,- Digital Competitiveness,- MCDM,- MEREC,Özet
Execution of logistics activities based on digital logistics platforms enables logistics and transportation activities to be carried out more effectively and efficiently, as well as reducing logistics costs. For countries to increase their logistics performance and competitiveness at the macro level, the orientation towards digitalization in logistics should be encouraged and successfully managed. This research aims to determine the digital logistics market performance (DLMP) of developing countries in 2022. In determining the DLMP, the logistics market performances and digital competitiveness performances of the countries were used. In the study, the MEREC method was used to weight the criteria. The RAFSI method was used to determine the DLMP rankings of developing countries. The DLMP was calculated for nineteen developing countries based on seven criteria. According to the research findings, the most important criterion among the digital logistics market performance criteria is the technology criterion. According to the DLMP ranking, China, Malaysia, and Qatar are in the top three developing countries. The last three developing countries are Peru, Colombia, and Argentina. In addition, suggestions were developed for developing countries by comparing DLMP rankings with logistics market performance and digital competitiveness rankings.
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