The Effect of Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence on Social Skills and Child Depression
child depression, Emotional intelligence, social skills, psychology, school administrationAbstract
Children, who are our future, face with some problems both at school environment and in their social lives. These problems can cause children to experience stress to some extent. Social skill problems were observed in the presence of stress. Emotional intelligence is the best indicator of how children communicate with their environment and people in their surroundings. Examination of the interaction between the sub-dimensions of emotional intelligence, social skills, and child depression using multiple regression provides sufficient information about the basic features of the problem. In the research conducted for this purpose, "Matson Social Skills Assessment Inventory for Children" (1983) was used to measure the level of social skills, "Emotional Intelligence Scale for Children" developed by Küçükkaragöz and Kocabaş (2012) to determine the emotional intelligence levels of primary school students, and "Emotional Intelligence Scale for Children" to measure the depression levels of children. “Beck Depression Scale for Children” adapted by Öymen (1990) was used children depression. The analysis suggests that empathy, managing emotions, emotional awareness, and motivation subdimensions of emotional intelligence affect both the level of social skills and child depression. It has also been shown that if a child's behavior in the course of development is evaluated as positive and supported by some indirect or direct reinforcements, this will become its personality; thus, educational and administrative arrangements should be made at schools to support this process.
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