Examining the Relationship Between Individual Innovativeness and Digital Citizenship
Individual Innovativeness, Digital Citizenship, InnovativenessAbstract
The aim of this research is to reveal the relationship between the participants’ individual innovativeness and digital citizenship skills. Within the scope of the research, a literature review was conducted, and the individual innovativeness scale and digital citizenship scale were transferred to online forms. The research population is citizens with digital footprints, and data was collected using an online form from 343 volunteers who agreed to participate in the research using a convenience sampling method. Frequency tables, t-test and anova to investigate differences in individual innovativeness levels between groups, scale-based normal distribution analyzes and confirmatory factor analyzes were made with SPSS 28 and AMOS 28 programs. A research model was created to test hypotheses about whether the individual innovativeness scale has effects on the sub-dimensions of digital citizenship, and these hypotheses were tested with path analysis. As a result of the research, it was determined that the age variables of the participants affected the individual innovativeness level. The relationships between individual innovativeness level and digital citizenship sub-dimensions were revealed. The research will contribute to the literature by revealing how individuals' innovativeness levels affect their digital citizenship skills.
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