Value-Based Financial Performance Metrics: A Conceptual Framework
Value Based, , Value Added, , Financial , Performance, , Shareholder , ReturnAbstract
The "globalization" phenomenon has made it possible to do business anywhere in the world by eliminating the barriers to corporate trade and financial investments. As a result, firms have greater options for development and can effectively achieve higher performance. Depending on the diffusion of technology, the added value provided is more important to investors than the profitability of the is challenging to determine whether the investment adds to shareholder value and wealth using the conventional "earnings-oriented" approach which considers the firm's current and past performance data. These constraints made it possible for measurements based on a value-based management strategy to gain acceptance in the research community. In this study, the factors that make value-based measures superior to conventional techniques are discussed. Explanatory and comprehensive information is also provided regarding all the methods that may be used in determining the value.
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