Artificial Intelligence Optimization Algorithms in the Finance Sector


  • Filiz MUTLU YILDIRIM Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
  • Burçin ONUR
  • Sıraç Ömer KUNDURACI


Finance Sector, Artificial Intelligence, Optimization, Algorithm


Increasing efficiency and security expectations with the technological developments in the financial sector have necessitated more effective solutions in issues such as financial failure prediction, portfolio selection, market analysis, risk assessment, and stock price estimation. At this point, artificial intelligence optimization algorithms come to the fore in terms of lower cost, higher data storage capacity, and transaction volume, performing the same operations in similar problems and creating an effective order to prevent problems that may occur in the future. For this purpose, the use of artificial intelligence optimization algorithms in the finance sector is discussed in this study. To guide their use in decision-making and problem-solving processes, Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, Tabu Search Algorithm, Flower Pollination Algorithm, Shark Smell Optimization Algorithm, and Differential Evolution Algorithm were explained and examples from their application areas were shared. As a result of the study, the advantages of artificial intelligence optimization algorithms were revealed and their importance in the finance sector was emphasized. This study is especially widely used in the solution of engineering problems; however, it contributes to the literature in terms of explaining algorithms whose applications in the finance sector are still limited.


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