Examination Of The Contribution Of Information And Communication Technologies To Economic Growth

Examination Of The Contribution Of Information And Communication Technologies To Economic Growth



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Information and Communication Technology- Economic Growth


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can be defined as the integrity of all hardware and software used in the processes of creating, operating, storing, distributing and managing information and knowledge. Economic growth refers to the expansion of the production capacity in an economy. The aim of this study is to determine the correlation between ICT and economic growth.

ICT has drawn a thick line between the past and the future by initiating digital transformation in the individual, corporate and public sphere. This thick line represents the beginning of fundamental changes in business models and production processes. In addition to saving time and space, ICT is the basis of digitalization, which enables the elimination of human-induced errors, prevention of resource waste and acceleration of all business processes. Countries that cannot benefit from digitalization sufficiently will have difficulties in transforming new ideas and technologies into commercial opportunities. This will result in lower income and growth rates as it will reduce job opportunities. From this point of view, one of the important determinants of economic growth is ICT, while moving from the industrial society that measures value with capital to the information society that says that real value is information.

In this study, the relationship between development factors in the field of information and communication technologies and economic growth performance has been examined. The period examined covers the years 2000-2020. The country studied is Turkey. National income per capita was selected as the dependent variable in this study, representing economic growth. Independent variables are mobile penetration, personal computer penetration, internet penetration and the digital maturity index (WEF-NRI) prepared by the World Economic form. According to the findings obtained from the correlation analysis, it is understood that there is a positive relationship between Information and Communication Technologies and economic growth.


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