Emotional Intelligence and SDG 16: A Holistic Framework for Sustainable Development in the 2030 Agenda


  • Hina ZAHOOR Istanbul Gelisim university

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Emotional Intelligence, - Sustainable Development Goal 16, Agenda 2030,- Personal


This article explores the nexus between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16) within the context of Agenda 2030. It argues for a paradigm shift from traditional sustainability approaches, focusing on external factors, to a more holistic model that emphasizes inner dimensions and personal transformation. The theoretical foundation of EI, tracing its evolution from early roots to contemporary understanding, forms the backdrop for examining its relevance to SDG 16. The four core capacities of EI—self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management—are elucidated and connected to personal growth and development.

Delving into SDG 16, the article highlights collaboration as imperative to addressing challenges related to violence, exploitation, and the establishment of the rule of law. It establishes the link between EI and SDGs, particularly SDG 16, by illustrating how EI contributes to crucial skills like conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and the creation of inclusive societies. The discussion spans philosophical fundamentals, emphasizing the interconnectedness of personal and systemic shifts required for sustainable development. Real-world examples showcase the impact of EI on mental health and its role in achieving SDGs. The article explores how EI fosters empathy, effective leadership, and cooperation in connections with others and underscores its contribution to positive environments crucial for sustainability. In conclusion, the article advocates for a holistic approach, intertwining personal, communal, and systemic evolution. Transformative skills associated with EI, including transparency, empathy, contextual thinking, and principle-driven courage, are emphasized. The article calls for enhancing transformative practices, utilizing diverse methodologies, and integrating EI principles in education for sustainable development.



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